Gelcha Kindu

Gelcha Kindu

  • Espresso Roast
  • Natural Process
  • notes of cherry, sweet lime, red currant, cherry blossom

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Origin Ethopia
Producer Small Holder Farmers
Region Gideyo, Yirgacheffe
Altitude 2342 m
Processing Method Natural Grade 1
Harvest 2025

Coffees grow in small-holder farmers’ backyards (known as ‘garden coffee’) in   the 
 Yirgacheffe region

 Cherries are harvested from October – January and taken to the washing station  where 
small-holder lots are combined

Coffee is hand sorted to remove under- and over-ripe cherries and select cherries 
between 18-22ºBrix

Cherries are dried on raised beds in full sun to allow the beans to absorb the sweetness 
and fruitiness from the cherry pulp and skin

During drying cherries are regularly turned to ensure even drying and maintain clarity. 
On very hot days cherries are covered in plastic to control drying rate

Cherries remain on raised beds and are frequently turned for 18-30 days until moisture 
reaches 10-12%

 Dried beans are then stored in the dried cherry pod for protection and to maximise 
sugar and fruit flavour absorption until milling and export preparation where further hand 
sorting and colour sorting is conducted to improve overall quality

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